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Inez Jane Mandell was born to Evelyn Pfeiffer Mandell and Joseph Mandell in Chicago, Illinois, in 1935. Growing up, Inez was very close to her sister, Susan. Her grandmother also had a great influence on her, because she was the most loving person. Inez always went to her grandmother when she needed love or to talk about things. In her teenage years, Inez enjoyed dancing and she was a bit of a rebel, as she was seeking life's next adventure. At the age of 15, she moved to California, where she stayed with her uncle. After graduating from Santa Monica High School, she returned to Chicago and then followed the family to Miami, Florida. In her early 20s, Inez worked as a Dance Instructor at the Arthur Murray Dance Studio in Miami. She taught the Cha Cha, the Mambo and Ballroom dancing. As a dancer, she was polished and she won many contests.

While teaching, Inez also did modeling for Alex of Miami. Her modeling work changed her life forever, because it was through Alex of Miami that she met the man who became her husband: Calvin Snyder. She had other suitors, but Cal was a stable, good, and honest man. She clung to him because she knew she had found a treasure of a man. While she was ambitious, he was simple, practical and grateful for everything he had in life. Together, they balanced each other in a good way. Three months later, the couple married before a Justice of the Peace on June 1, 1963. The couple had two wonderful children: Michael and Carol. Inez stayed at home with the children when they were very young and then she worked part-time as an executive secretary at a law firm. For 10 years, she worked full-time as an executive secretary to Wallace Berrie, whose company held licensing rights to the successful Smurf characters. Inez liked bringing the Smurf figurines, mugs and keychains home to the kids as gifts. There were Smurfs all over the house that brought smiles. Later, she also worked as an executive secretary at a publishing company.

Inez was a very independent mother. She liked having her own friends and she had an incredible sense of humor. She enjoyed bowling with Cal, as they both participated in bowling leagues. Inez even won some bowling trophies. When the couple took the kids to the bowling alley, they'd give them a bunch of quarters so they could play the pinball machines. She had a very active social life that included playing cards with her friends and going to the spa at Highland Park for long weekends. Inez was always put together, her hair was perfect, and she was beautiful. She was hip and cool. She was also a fashion plate to the times and she loved shopping. In fact, she could have opened up her own boutique with the amount of beautiful outfits she owned. She had 150 pairs of shoes in every color to match her outfits.

Even though Inez was Jewish, the family celebrated the Christmas holiday. For Christmas, she had the kids help to shop for their own presents so they got special gifts they really wanted. Then, she wrapped the gifts they chose for Christmas. Michael and Carol would shake the presents to guess which present was inside. For Thanksgiving, Cal did most of the cooking and he even made the turkey. Inez's sister, Susan, was also a great cook and took part in baking the holiday meals when she lived close by. Inez's favorite food was ribs and she enjoyed drinking Manischewitz Wine or eating Halvah, a traditional Jewish chocolate candy. Inez liked the color purple and her favorite flower was the tulip.

She loved movies featuring Danny Kaye, Gene Kelly, Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland. She loved watching great musicals of the day. In fact, she sang around the house, humming little tunes from those movies, while she was doing the dishes. She liked music you could dance to and enjoyed songs by Johnny Mathis. Over the years, she and Cal took the kids to Las Vegas a few times. More often, they made the trip as a couple and always brought presents home for the kids. Inez was very demonstrative, hugging her children and often saying, "I love you." She believed in romance and read romance novels by Danielle Steele and self-help books. Inez loved to laugh and her favorite TV station became the Game Show Network. She loved shopping and in recent years took an interest in items featured on the Home Shopping Network. She showed her love for her grandchildren by buying them things from HSN, always finding special gifts that they would enjoy.

When it came to animals, Inez had a big heart for her Bichon Frises, Shammy and C.J. Shammy lived a long life and C.J., who was named after Cal, is 10-years-old and will live with Carol. Inez loved her dogs like babies and she cooked them special meals of eggs, bacon and pork chops.

Spiritually, Inez believed in God and prayed often. She went to a Christian Church with Cal, but she was proud of her Jewish heritage. When Cal passed away in September 2008, Inez missed him so much. The last five months of her life, she lived at Michael's home. In the end, Inez passed peacefully in her sleep on her wedding anniversary. Inez will be laid to rest next to her husband, as her family believes she is at peace and in Heaven with Cal.

Inez Snyder will be remembered as a social lady, a loving mother, and a woman with chutzpah. She was sacrificial with Michael, as she'd do anything for him. Michael will miss going out to eat with her and spending time with her. Carol will miss talking with her mother, because she understood her emotionally. The grandchildren will all miss "Grandma." Memorial donations are welcome to Memory Bridge of Chicago, www.memorybridge.org. Memory Bridge creates programs that connect people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias to family, friends, and other people in their local community.

Inez was preceded in death by her husband Calvin Snyder. She is loved and remembered by her son Michael and his wife Yvette; daughter Carol and her husband Michael; sister Susan; grandchildren Jonathan, Emily and Natalie; and many friends.

May Inez and Cal Snyder rest in peaceā€¦


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